Leading the way in delivering global best practice

Innovative technology and years of practical experience inform our industry-leading, best practice approach to survey design for birds and marine mammals.

Delivering confidence

Our innovative, industry-leading technology provides our clients throughout the world with robust and reliable scientific data for developments such as on- and offshore wind farms. This includes the collection of baseline data, the provision of population estimates to inform developers preparation of their site Construction and Operations Plan (COP) and collecting pre- and post-construction data.

The scientists at APEM Inc design each survey individually, using statistically-robust grid-based or transect-based designs. We ensure that target species of birds and marine mammals are monitored safely and with no disturbance to people or wildlife.

Our experience of delivering surveys for offshore wind in the US (as well as thousands across the world) makes us best placed to advise about the nuances that the regulator will be looking for, to make sure your project is within approved guidelines. We’ll offer the best approach to presenting a robust data set as well as options for sound statistical analysis, with results that can be used again and again. Without a correctly planned and executed baseline survey, your project runs the risk of being delayed in the planning process, costing you time and money.

Species identification

Our ultra-high resolution imagery ensures the highest identity rates when it comes to species surveys. The quality of our imagery allows us to pinpoint the diagnostic features of mammals and birds such as:

  • Whales
  • Dolphins and porpoises
  • Sharks
  • Turtles
  • Guillemot
  • Puffin
  • Kittiwake
  • Roseate terns

Digital aerial surveys are our preferred surveying method, as technological advancements provide more accurate counts and are more cost-effective than traditional boat surveys. Aerial surveys are also less intrusive: as seabirds associate boats with fishing discards, they are more likely to surround a survey boat.

With ten years’ experience in offshore wind in the US, we are well versed to manage the whole surveying process from survey design through the survey flight(s) to data analysis. Using our own equipment, technology and techniques we have developed in house, we provide our clients with a permanent record that can be recalled and referred to at any point in the future.

An APEM Inc task specialist is on board every survey flight to constantly review the data captured, and make immediate adjustments if required to mitigate the risk of needing to fly another survey.

Able to fly day or night, we collect imagery at a range of resolutions starting at 1cm GSD (Ground Sampling Distance). Our custom-made specialist sensors and cameras, including LiDAR give us the highest confidence in our results. We provide our clients with accurate and precise flight heights, directions of movement, behavior and – where possible – age and sex of the birds.

We believe in producing reliable data that can be used for a multitude of purposes. As well as population modeling and collision risk modeling, our technical consultancy support includes advice and guidance on meeting legislative requirements in the marine environment and impact assessment to support permits relating to the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and /or Endangered Species Act (ESA).

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